Ok so my name is Victoria (Vicky or Vic) and I am one of those people who has her head in the clouds quite a lot of the time. I always have fabulous ideas of things I would like to achieve but rarely see them through as life quite often gets in the way. I have two small children, a lovely husband and a show off cat, all of whom take up quite a lot of my time! As I was scraping dried up Weetabix off my dining room floor (not an insubstantial task - thanks one year old) I came up with "the List". "The List" comprises of ten things I would like to do and will achieve. As I achieve one thing it will be replaced with something else in order to make life interesting. Perhaps if anyone reads my blog they could suggest additions if a slot becomes available.
Here is "The List"
1. Get a piece of writing published
I often have ideas for children's stories. Are they good enough to go all the way into book form??? I don't know. I like them and I am sending them off to agents/publishers in the hope that someone else will too.
2. Become super-organised at home
Ok so it's not super-glammy but I do harbour the desire to be a domestic goddess and have a super-organised home. I try to keep my house as tidy as I can but this comes at the expense of my cupboards. Open the door of any one and something may fall on your head. Nightmare! I want to be all 1950s Cath Kidstony ( in a modern feisty woman kind of way!).
3. Cook to camera in the "This Morning" kitchen
Random I know! I would love to ( just once) do a cooking slot with all the ingredients chopped up in little bowls while chatting to Holly and the Schoffe. It will have to be stir fry or something though - I am not Gordon Ramsey! I fear this may be on the list for some time. Anyone know anyone who works at This Morning???
4. Lose 10llbs then accept my figure
"Weight is just a number". This is true but my number has crept up by 10llbs and I want it to creep back down again! Once this is off I am going to accept that I will never be a stick and not worry about weight. I don't want to pass any negative diet habits onto my daughter.
5. Make an item of clothing
I love all kinds of crafty stuff and I am an avid Pinterest devotee. The only problem is I am a master of no crafts. I often picture items of clothing in my head which I can't find in shops. I love 1950s style clothes. It would be amazing if I could actually make my own wardrobe full of clothes which fit my body and personality. I will start with trying to master one simple garment.
6. Find my style
Number 5 and 6 are linked. The practicalities of being a mum ( and lack of inspiration in the shops) means that my wardrobe does not necessarily reflect me. I want to find my style. I always, always, always wear lipstick though. Some things are just not up for negotiation!
7. Take my children to Disneyworld
I assume that this would be on the list of most parents or anyone with an inner child. I can't wait to take my children one day and see their little faces.
8. Have a weekly (inhouse) date night
My husband works long hours. We have two small children (1 & 3). This equals not a lot of quality time spent together. Establishing a weekly date night (albeit in the house) will help our "ships that pass in the night" status!
9. Do something that scares me
I am open to suggestions on this one! Starting a blog and potentially having people read it scares me a little to be honest!
10. Take my children on a weekly adventure
We all get trapped in the mundane. It is so easy to do the same things day in and day out. I would like to do one thing "a bit different" with the kids each week.
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