Mondays in my house are not relaxing - mainly because my inlaws kindly babysit for me while I work on a Tuesday thus invoking an all-consuming panic in me to get my house like a show home before they arrive. I dont know why! I try to create the illusion of domestic perfection - homemade banana bread anyone? I rarely achieve half of what I set out to and mostly stuff lots of things in my cupboards. Out of sight out of mind! Mondays are also the days I get ratty with my husband for leaving things lying around and curse anyone who has ever bought any of my kids a lump of coloured plastic that I am now tripping over.
An item on my list is to be more organised which should alleviate this pain. My first step was to read a book which I heard about through the scary mommy blog - From Frazzled to Focused by Rivka Caroline (I am a sucker for this kind of thing). Despite the topic being housework I actually really enjoyed the book and it made sense. Setting aside time to be organised saves so much time and stress in the long run. A lot of the points in the book are fairly obvious but having them set out in one place focuses the mind. Rivka has 7 children so I will trust she knows what she is talking about! I will let you know how I get on " getting more organised".
I wish I had become more organised before now as I am now off to clean into the night and tackle ironing mountain. Hopefully next week things will change!
Vic x
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