Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Mrs Bloom I ain't!

The washing pile could touch the sky.
The toddler is crying - I don't know why.
The sun is shining, exposing smears everywhere.
There is something sticky in my hair.
I am tripping over toys everywhere I turn.
I have forgotten to check dinner and I can smell it burn.
The garden is a jungle - weeds everywhere.
I really wish I didn't care!

Yesterday was manic Monday and the above chronicles exactly how I was feeling. I was having an Upstairs Downstairs kind of day - I was working downstairs! Housework sucks!!!

The onset of warmer weather is brilliant but has added "gardening" to my list of chores. I actually quite like doing it but it is time consuming. I have come over all "Mr Bloom" and told my kids they could help. I obviously forgot that one year olds and three year olds don't always follow instructions to the letter - we ended up in a big old mess. I am sure some dirt was consumed by my son. He has previous for chowing down on house plant dirt so he must think that Christmas has come in the garden! The kids enjoyed themselves which is the main thing. Now lets see if I mange not to kill the new plants over the summer (I have previous on this!).

Vic x

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